Grow - Finance - Structure your business

"We have been entrepreneurs and investors too.
That's why we have develop a range of very practical and result-driven tools for start-ups, to create immediate impact"
6 Power packs designed for start-ups
Focus on a specific need to generate immediate action
CEO & founders' mentoring

The mirror effect
Robustify your financial model

Master your numbers
Strategy clarification

Know where you are going
Project management

Get structured
for growth
Investor deck design

Convince investors

Find investors

We mentor start-up founders and CEOs.
We help you prepare for fund raising, clarify your strategy, strenghten your differenciation, build your business plan, your investor presentation, your teaser.
We challenge you. We help you raise funds.
You are looking for structured business coaching?
Click here
You want to prepare for fund raising? click here
You need to assess your investor deck? click here
You are struggling with your financial model? click here
Please look at our comprehensive service range for entrepreneurs here

We can assist with pre and post investment services.
We help you with due diligence, business plan reviews project and team assessment.
We investigate. We report. We advise.
We introduce you to emerging start-ups, playing a tech hunter role.
We coach some of your entrepreneurs who need help.
We help some of your start-ups pivoting with project management and mentoring.
Please look at our full range of services for investors here
This is what we mostly do based on the experience and the interests of our team and partners


agro & food
Travel & Lifestyle

Education, Edutainment, Culture
Market places

B2B services
Marketing, Finance, Networks
Health & Impact

Market places

This is what we mostly do based on the experience and the interests of our team and partners
3 development roadmaps for entrepreneurs
Build an approach over a few months to improve your strenghts, readiness and performance.
The power packs can be a starting point to these approaches

Be ready for financing and carefully prepare your approach
A 2-3 months approach to get ready to go meet investors after having:
clarified your strategy
designed a proper Investment deck that convey your strategy
made your financial model more robust
reviewed your risks and formulated answers to objections
thought about your most adequate financing strategy
Then we help you meet some investors and, if necessary, negotiate the business terms of the agreement.
Please look at the full financing roadmap here
Structured business coaching for CEOs / founders
Business mentoring provides a mirror effect and a regular opportunity to escape from the heavy daily workload of a CEO to think ahead, challenge your ideas and share experiences with someone who is 100% on your side.
Our experience shows that the more structured the approach the more effective the results are. However, some CEOs prefer a "general management hotline" that they actionate whenever necessary. Hence the two following options:
Please look at the full mentoring roadmap here
Put the right structure in place to scale -up your business
Get to the next level :
establish a clear vision
put in place the adequate project management structure to grow
refine your offerings and pricings to the various segments
design your organisation to expand internationally
pivot if necessary
establish the right distribution agreements and partnerships
design / reengineer sustainable processes for growth
follow the right set of KPIs
Our strong background in project management, structuration and business development is key at this stage. Please click here
We can assist with pre and post investment services.
We help you with due diligence, business plan reviews project and team assessment.
We investigate. We report. We advise.
We introduce you to emerging start-ups, playing a tech hunter role.
We coach some of your entrepreneurs who need help.
We help some of your start-ups pivoting with project management and mentoring.
Please look at our full range of services for investors here
Our background:
start-up management,
investment in start-ups,
management consulting.
We have experienced what it is for an entrepreneur to find the right strategy and to look for money.
We have experienced what it is for an investor to look for the right projects and to secure his investment.
We patner with other experienced experts when needed.
